Monday, December 26, 2011
Skyrim Review
It's been too long. I apologize wholeheartedly, but its been a pretty hectic and busy time. I also wanted to actually sit and play this game for its deserved amount of time. Obviously, as of yet, no person has entirely beaten Skyrim. Quite honestly, I haven't even beaten the main campaign quest, but I have enough of an understanding to give a fair judgment. Other single player experiences can be played and evaluated after only a few hours, but a game on the scale of Skyrim requires many hours. So, after over 60 long hours put into this game, here it is, the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Review.
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Last of Us! New Sony Exclusive by Naughty Dog!
Alright, this Christmas stuff surprisingly didn't work out. Too much gaming news has interfered, and I'm just a bit too busy with everything else. I'll still try to post more often than I have in the past, and get that Skyrim review up shortly. BUT! I have amazing news! The Last of Us has finally been officially announced and we have OUTSTANDING details.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
15 Days Until Christmas!
So, I'm not very good at this whole "update every day" thing. It really hasn't worked out. I wish I had more time for the site, but it looks like I just don't. Either way, I'm still trying. Today's post - A reminder.
Tonight! I will be posting a wrap up sometime in the next few days of the awards. I won't be able to watch them live unfortunately, since I'll be working. I will be recording it, and checking other gaming websites during the show though. If something awesome happens, keep up on my twitter. @Inverted_Gaming
Thursday, December 8, 2011
17 Days Until Christmas!
So, this posting every day thing is really tough. With my schedule the way it is, its so easy for me to forget. I really intended to post the few days that I've missed, but oh well. Skyrim review coming really soon.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
19 Days Until Christmas!
Well, I know I'm primarily a Sony website, and this isn't being produced by Microsoft, so its not as bad, but this is a really cool gift idea.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
21 Days Until Christmas!
Well, I missed yesterday. I could give a big excuse as to why I did, something related to school and work, but in short, I missed it. At least today I have something awesome to announce!
Friday, December 2, 2011
23 Days Until Christmas!
That means we have yet another post! This time, the number 23, when I think of 23 I think of sports. Mainly because I'm a Chicago native, and Michael Jordan and Devin Hester are the best players of all-time at their positions. So, today, you get a two-for-one deal on gift ideas. Here are two gift ideas for the sports gamers of your household.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Countdown To Christmas!
Well, December is finally here, and that means Christmas is right around the corner. I decided, since I haven't been updating frequently in the past few weeks, that it would be a nice challenge to try to provide a new update at least once per day. I'll use this as sort of a countdown to Christmas, providing reviews, gift ideas, and other news each related to the number of days left.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Delay in Reviews
I know there haven't been many reviews or even posts in general recently. Currently, I'm stuck on Skyrim. I just can't seem to rip myself away from such an immersing game. I will definitely get the review for Skyrim out soon, with Assassin's Creed and Saint's Row the Third shortly thereafter. Its also the end of a quarter for my schoolwork, so that will impede my posting as well. Just keep visiting, and expect to see those reviews pretty soon. The next big game doesn't come out for another few months, so there's plenty of time to catch up and finish all of the games that have come out this fall.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
VGA Nominees Announced! (And Predictons!)
December 10th marks the Spike TV VGA's. This year looks to be one of the toughest competitions, and it will definitely have some surprising results. Also, look to see some new announcements for games and features, and new trailers. The VGA's are on at 8:00 Eastern Time, so that makes it 7:00 Central Time on Spike TV. My picks are the screenshots.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Lord of the Rings: War in the North Review
One of the most epic fantasy stories ever created sees new life through the eyes of a new side story in War in the North. The Lord of the Rings franchise has seen many different titles created over the years, from hack and slash movie based games, to full-fledged MMORPGs, to turn based strategy games. Snowblind Studios takes the formula of Baldur's gate and Champions of Norrath that they previously worked on and applies them to Middle Earth. To a point, this works really well, making for an extremely fun and enjoyable experience, but also struggles at times. The voice acting is only mediocre, and the story struggles to have the same epic feel that The Lord of the Rings exudes. Overall though, War in the North provides fans of the lore a new way to experience familiar locations and extend their time with The Lord of the Rings.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Uncharted 3 Review
Story. Usually, the worth of a game is judged ultimately by its story as long as nothing else ruins the gameplay experience. Uncharted 3 sets the bar in terms of it's story once again, leaving other games in the dust. A game that's origins started in single player continues to excel in that category, while improving upon the previously established multiplayer proves to be an excellent title. Without a doubt, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception is the best game of the series, proven by the excellent story, unbelievable graphics, and improvements in all facets of the game.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Battlefield 3 Review
Above and beyond the call. The slogan pretty much explains itself. Battlefield 3 shows how much depth and strategy can actually go into a realistic first person shooter. The number of different ways to play the game is astounding, along with a very gritty and nearly perfect game mechanic lends to an awesome experience, when the game is working properly. First person shooters are probably the most scrutinized genre of gaming, with so many people playing, its hard to appease every single player. With Battlefield 3, many people will hate it immediately, and blame it on the sole reason that it's not Call of Duty. Of course, the first Modern Warfare game revolutionized first person shooters, but Battlefield 3 observes the formulas of many in recent years and does a fantastic job at combining them into a balanced experience. This review is mainly based off of the multiplayer, as those who play it generally base their experience in first person shooters on the multiplayer aspects.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Batman Arkham City Review
Batman Arkham City starts off with a KAPOW! and ends with a BLAMO! This game, or more like "masterpiece" excels in every category imaginable, and improves upon its predecessor exponentially. The first game in the series, Batman Arkham Asylum, provided a superhero experience unrivaled by any other developer. Batman Arkham City, though not entirely perfect, shows just how good games with familiar characters, yet new and innovative stories, can be. With an all-star cast of voice actors, a phenomenal story, awe-inspiring graphics, and an extremely fun gameplay experience, Batman Arkham City proves to be a strong contender for game of the year in a crowded year of strong contenders.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Batman Arkham City Unboxing and First Thoughts
So, here it is, the first video post I've attempted. I'm doing an unboxing of the collector's edition, as well as giving my opening thoughts on the game, and a brief rundown of the DLC available. The video is probably really lackluster, but its my first attempt. I'm going to try to do the first thoughts on the game every Tuesday, with a review following by the end of the week for the rest of the season. Wish me luck, and feedback is appreciated.
Also, the song in the background is the Coheed & Cambria song "Deranged." I added it after I filmed, so I didn't mention it. I'm not good at editing video yet, so forgive me, the sound of the song gets a bit louder than my voice in the middle parts.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
At last!
Fall is finally upon us. As gamers, we know that the months of October and November are some of the best in the year. From here on out, get ready for a midnight release every Monday, plus a special Thursday night release for Skyrim. The best part of this fall is that out of all the new releases, all of them have the potential to garner perfect 10 ratings. It's actually hard to tell which game I'm most excited for, with the wide variety available. Keep checking my blog from week to week for my reviews and thoughts on the games, and happy fall gamers!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Subway and Uncharted Promotion
Anyone who appreciates eating a bit healthy, or anyone who wants to play THE FULL UNCHARTED 3 MULTIPLAYER, should go to Subway during the month of October. During the entire month, anytime you buy a footlong sub, harvest cheddar sun chips, or a 30 oz drink, you get codes pertaining to Uncharted 3 which unlock themes, guns, and other goodies for the game.
To actually unlock the multiplayer, all that is needed is to purchase a 30 oz drink and go to to enter in your code. Its a guaranteed win into the multiplayer, as well as an entry into a sweepstakes, and a chance to win a copy of the game. The codes that come on the other products are worthwhile too, giving extra items for the multiplayer, or themes.
Let me tell you, the multiplayer for Uncharted 3 is outstanding. Not only does it play amazingly well, its got an immense amount of depth. I'll definitely be playing this until the game comes out and further, because everything that is accomplished in this demo of sorts carries over. This game is really making an attempt at my favorite franchise, that's for sure.
Since the beta, a lot has actually been added. More maps are now available, obviously. I've only played a few, but from what I played, they seem balanced and varied. There are tons of base guns available to choose from, about 13, which can all be modded to your specific playstyle. There are also many treasure sets that unlock additional features like customization of clothing and guns. Another feature not shown in the beta was the use of contracts similar to call of duty, where you wager a certain amount on a certain action. If you complete the action, you gain money, if you don't, you lose it.
To actually unlock the multiplayer, all that is needed is to purchase a 30 oz drink and go to to enter in your code. Its a guaranteed win into the multiplayer, as well as an entry into a sweepstakes, and a chance to win a copy of the game. The codes that come on the other products are worthwhile too, giving extra items for the multiplayer, or themes.
Let me tell you, the multiplayer for Uncharted 3 is outstanding. Not only does it play amazingly well, its got an immense amount of depth. I'll definitely be playing this until the game comes out and further, because everything that is accomplished in this demo of sorts carries over. This game is really making an attempt at my favorite franchise, that's for sure.
Since the beta, a lot has actually been added. More maps are now available, obviously. I've only played a few, but from what I played, they seem balanced and varied. There are tons of base guns available to choose from, about 13, which can all be modded to your specific playstyle. There are also many treasure sets that unlock additional features like customization of clothing and guns. Another feature not shown in the beta was the use of contracts similar to call of duty, where you wager a certain amount on a certain action. If you complete the action, you gain money, if you don't, you lose it.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Dead Island Review
Zombie games are definitely getting old. They have definitely been over emphasized in this console generation, but some games have done it quite well. In this case, Deep Silver - a relatively unknown developer - has done a fantastic job of creating something unique and intensely fun. It combines a few different winning formulas to create something that hasn't been done before. It combines the core rpg elements of Fallout with the weapons style and combinations of Dead Rising 2 and the 4-player co-op of Left 4 Dead. These combinations create something that even those who don't care for scary games can enjoy, and proves that the zombie genre isn't completely run into the ground yet.
Resistance 3 Review
Resistance has always been one of the frontrunners of the Playstation 3, earning great reviews on each of the past two iterations. Resistance: Fall of Man released alongside the PS3 back in 2006, and was received pretty well by critics and gamers alike. Resistance 2 released in 2008, and though it was received well by critics, the game just didn't seem as polished as it should have been. Resistance 3 proves to be Insomniac's masterpiece though, taking the best of both previous games and combining them into something outstanding.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11th
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the tragedy of September 11th. I know not everyone that reads this blog lives in the United States, but the gravity of the event still should at least impact your life in the most minute way. Personally, I didn't know anyone, or even talk to anyone that lost someone in the senseless violence that occurred on this date, but I still remember the moment as if it happened yesterday. Literally, as I write these words, I have chills going down my spine, which really touches my heart. I was in 5th grade when the Twin Towers were attacked. I remember waking up to my mother doing her usual routine of getting ready and watching The Today Show, but this day was different. Even at the young age of 10, I could sense that something was wrong. When I woke that morning, the first tower had been run into by a plane, which at the time seemed like a freak accident. While getting ready, my mother exclaimed in horror that another plane hit the other tower, and from that moment on, everything in this nation changed. While at school that day, as a 5th grade student, nothing seemed very important to the kids. It all seemed as if it wasn't really affecting us, since it was happening so far away. Around lunch, our teachers came and sat us down, and were very emotional. They talked to us in a way teachers should never have to address their students. They informed us that the towers had collapsed. The rest of that day was very unscheduled. Some children were picked up, while the rest of us just did our best to behave and mourn.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Madden NFL 12 Review
A new football game from EA comes out each and every year, and as always, people criticize this occurrence. Quite honestly, some years it actually seems like an entirely new experience, and other years it seems like a glorified roster update. This year, though, rest assured that the game really does prove to be something new. Usually, each year, Madden adds some big new feature, but this year, they really focused on improving the gameplay mechanics overall. This year's edition of Madden really proves to be a decent purchase for any football fans, read on for a detailed description.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Resistance 3 Beta Impressions
After playing the Resistance 3 beta, one thing stands out the most - I'm ridiculously good at this game. For reasons unbeknownst to me, I haven't had a game in which I've scored a KD ratio less than 1.0. My lowest round was indeed a 1.0 kd ratio, but currently, I'm sitting around 1.7 on my kills versus death. A kill death ratio is pretty self explanatory. Take the number of kills divided by the numbers of deaths and there you go. In any team deathmatch situation, your kd ratio should be over 1.0, or in essence you are not helping the team, as you're dying more than you're killing. In most games, unless they are objective based, I generally have at least a positive, or over 1, kill death ratio. This game seems to be one that I can achieve an even higher ratio. Now, enough bragging, on to the actual gameplay.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Kevin Butler is Back!
Long Live Play! Not too sure on the slogan, but its always great to see Kevin Butler. He's absolutely hilarious, and is a great spokesperson for Sony.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
What I've been doing during the Summer drought
Usually, I tend to write in the third person. In general, the stories that I report are for the general populace, rather than people caring exactly what I've been doing, or my thoughts exactly. Also, third person is much more powerful and eloquent than first person. For this article, I'm going to venture into that unheard of realm of first person, to make it more personal, but also because of the content. So, that aside, here's what I've been up to since the start of the Summer drought:
Friday, August 5, 2011
Releases being pushed back...
It's always disappointing to hear that games are being pushed back. It's even more disappointing to hear it during the Summer, when no games are coming out, and the only games to look forward to could possibly be pushed back. I'm in between on whether or not I like games to be pushed to a later date. On one hand, it will ensure that the game is the best it can possibly be. On the other hand, it may influence if I purchase the game or not. Fortunately, this year is so full of releases that one or two games being pushed isn't the end of the world, and can even be welcomed.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Global Resistance
Now, personally, I've never been one for Social Networking games, but when they announced the Resistance tie-in, I had to check it out. Its definitely cool enough for me to post about it on here, and technically, its not as "social" as I thought it would be. Apparently as well, if you play the Global Resistance game, you'll earn rewards for Resistance 3 when it releases.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
What the PSN Pass means for you
Sony has jumped on the bandwagon of making users buy a one-time pass to their online services, but honestly, its not so bad. Read on to find out what this means, and a bit about the programs already established by other companies.
I do just want to make this clear:
Friday, July 15, 2011
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part 2 Review
Before you say anything, I know, I know, "Previews, News and Video Game Reviews by Catalyst" doesn't have anything about movies. Frankly, though, its my blog, I'll review what I want, and this movie was seriously too good not to write about. Going into the movie, at midnight of course, I was overcome with anticipation and excitement. Even as I'm writing this, I'm still getting tingly chills for seemingly no reason, except for the fact that David Yates ended the most enveloping story I've ever read with the most extravagant and phenomenal film I've seen out of the series, and one of the best period. Personally, I don't think there was a better way to end something that's been a part of well over half of my waking life than watching an extremely well-done movie with so many fans of the series at midnight. From here on, SPOILER ALERT.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Playstation Vita
Sony is releasing a new handheld system sometime later this year, and this time its actually reasonably priced. This system builds on everything good about their past handheld, the PSP, and takes into account the qualms that people had with it. Here's everything you need to know about the new system, now go out and pre-order one!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Welcome Back Program Expiring
The Welcome Back program, which provided gamers with a few free games as well as a 30 day trial of Playstation Plus, is expiring. You must claim everything from the Playstation Store before July 3rd, or you will definitely be missing out. The games to choose from were actually pretty good, and the 30 day trial of Plus was definitely nice.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Uncharted 3 Beta
The Uncharted 3 Beta releases today, make sure it get out and download it! There's big incentive for playing the Beta as much as possible, with unlocks for the full game upon completion of certain goals. The Beta runs from today, June 28th, to July 14th.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Portal 2 Review
Portal 2 is a puzzle game of sorts, that plays like a first person shooter. Not having played through the first one, it was an interesting purchase for anyone and still fun for everyone. Portal 2 introduces many new gameplay features, and keeps the same old puzzle and humor style. The game looks great and plays great too, leading to one of this years most entertaining puzzle games by a longshot, and one of the best games as well.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Fall Preview
2011 is probably one of the biggest years for games I've ever seen. Many highly regarded franchises are releasing sequels that look to improve on everything that has already been established. There are almost too many games to choose from, I don't know how anyone will have time to play them all. Here's a look at the games that I'm most looking forward to, and already have pre-ordered through Gamestop. I'll go in order of month and release date, so that way there's no bias in which one's I start with.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Infamous 2 Review
Infamous 2 picks up right where the first Infamous game left off, making you one of the most powerful superheroes, or villains, in all of gaming. The first Infamous ended with a warning from the future that a Beast is coming, and that you, Cole MacGrath, will be the only one able to stop the monstrosity when it comes. Cole finds out, with the help of a new contact by the name of Kuo, that the only way to get powerful enough is to absorb the power of blast cores from the explosion of the Ray Sphere. These blast cores are located in the city of New Marais, a city inspired by the city of New Orleans. Cole must travel there to gain the power in time before the Beast can destroy all of humanity, or gain the power to become unstoppable.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Nintendo Press Conference Notes
Nintendo, again, really doesn't do much for gamers this year yet again. They appeal to the younger crowd, and those who love gimmicks, but nothing more. There were a few announcements of titles coming to their new system, but that merely means they're catching up to Sony and Microsoft.
Sony Press Conference Notes
Sony had a pretty strong showing this year. They highlighted so many different titles, it took a while to gather all of it. They came out and apologized right off the bat, which was good to get it out of the way to make room for all of the games. They started strong and ended strong. I guess Kevin Butler wasn't right for the time, as they probably wanted to appear very professional, which makes sense.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Ubisoft Press Conference Notes
Ubisoft really hasn't been a huge Gamer oriented company for a while now. Most of their titles tend to be child friendly, aside from Assassin's Creed. They have a few franchises, such as Rayman, that will appeal to gamers from years in the past, but overall, they aren't a huge "gamer" publisher. Also, they're not afraid of a few dick jokes BLEEP.
EA Press Conference Notes
A lot of awesome things for gamers happened in this conference. Unlike Microsoft, they focused on the games, and gamers in general. Their games look amazing, and provide a wide variety.
Microsoft Press Conference Thoughts
The first half of the Microsoft conference focused on titles that are multi-platform, like every other year. They did highlight a few that would have Kinect compatibility, but were very vague on the details. The ones that they showed, Ghost Recon Future Soldier and Mass Effect 3, looked ultimately pretty dumb. Mass Effect had voice commands, which would actually be pretty useful when you're busy with other buttons controlling weapons and firing, although I'd feel pretty silly speaking to myself. On the other hand, Ghost Recon looked terrible. The guns can be edited using Kinect motions, but it would be much easier to use a button input. Also, firing a gun with the motion of opening and closing motion is absolutely stupid. Kinect voice compatibility has been redone as well, with a new dashboard and and Bing search system added. Honestly, unless I was with friends, a button input is again, much easier, and less awkward by yourself. It's nice to see them support their peripherals, but its nothing exciting yet.
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If you liked Kinect, this conference is for you. |
Last Minute Update Before E3
Here's what to watch out for today. (All times Central Standard Time)
11:30 pm - Microsoft Press Conference
2:30 pm - EA Press Conference
4:30 pm - Ubisoft Press Conference
7:00 pm - Sony Press Conference
So, today has the biggest line-up out of any day. I'll be updating periodically with relevant information, for those who can't watch the conferences live. Not really too sure what's lined up for many of these conferences.
Keep checking back on my blog for more news and info.
11:30 pm - Microsoft Press Conference
2:30 pm - EA Press Conference
4:30 pm - Ubisoft Press Conference
7:00 pm - Sony Press Conference
So, today has the biggest line-up out of any day. I'll be updating periodically with relevant information, for those who can't watch the conferences live. Not really too sure what's lined up for many of these conferences.
- Microsoft is set to announce a new subscription plan called Diamond, that may include something about a TV subscription service.
- The EA press conference will have an announcement of a new IP by Insomniac, the creators of Ratchet and Clank and Resistance.
- Sony needs to come out strong after last month.
Keep checking back on my blog for more news and info.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Uncharted 3 - What's known right now (and Collector's Edition announced!)
Uncharted 3 is definitely looking to be one of the best games of 2011, which doesn't really come as a surprise, as Naughty Dog's Uncharted 2 won Game of the Year in 2009. Uncharted 3 releases November 1st, and will probably be one of the biggest holiday releases, aside from the ultimately over-popular Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. The developers have been hard at work for the past 2 years since the release of the second game in the series, Among Thieves, and they're finally starting to spread the word that they're gunning for that top spot again in 2011. Many features have been announced so far, but according to Naughty Dog, there is still an immense amount of info yet to come. We know some details of the single-player, a lot of details on the multiplayer, and very few details on the co-op play. Here's what I know so far about Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.
The Playstation Store Returns!
The Playstation Store is finally up and running after over a month of downtime. I'm currently browsing the catalog, but thought I'd share the update with everyone first, and point out the notable releases. Its been so long that its hard to know even where to start, but here goes. Also, I hope to make this a weekly post, updating the blog with the weekly updates from the Playstation Store. The update I'm providing this week is mainly going to be just a list of what's been released, as there's far too much to report on. Future updates will give a few details on each game/demo/item.
*The Store is still a bit buggy as they're still updating it, but it does indeed work. Just back out if you're getting error messages, and go back in.*
*The Store is still a bit buggy as they're still updating it, but it does indeed work. Just back out if you're getting error messages, and go back in.*
Monday, May 30, 2011
Brink Review
Catalyst8:48 PMBethesda, Brink, First Person Shooter, FPS, Gaming, Playstation, Playstation 3, Shooter, SMART, Video Games
Brink is a futuristic first-person shooter set in a time of great disparity for the world. It follows the story of a fictional, yet possibly realistic, man-made structure called the Ark. The Ark exists today as a last refuge for humanity after a period of global warming caused much of the present world to be destroyed. At first, the Ark functioned as a research facility, but when funding diminished, was put on halt. It was revived as a tourist location, built for the rich and famous, but eventually that ended as well. When you play Brink, it is the year 2045, and the island has become overrun with refugees. You must choose a side, either the Resistance or Security, and fight for what you believe is right.
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A security member shooting at a resistance player using the SMART system. |
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Sony E3 Expectations
Catalyst1:21 PME3, Gaming, Kevin Butler, NGP, Playstation, Playstation 3, Sony, Twisted Metal, Uncharted 3, Video Games
No comments
Hopefully, this year's E3 convention in California, held from June 6th to 8th, will impress as much as last year. Sony had a moderately strong showing. They demonstrated how powerful the Playstation Move will be, displaying games and showing the versatility of the peripheral. They debuted Playstation Plus, which gives the most loyal Sony fans even more for their money, with free games, demos, avatars and more with a paid subscription fee. They displayed the awesome visual flourish of the 3D enabled games and movies, with the free update that rolled out later after the announcement. Lastly, they announced one of the most anticipated remakes/sequels ever, Twisted Metal. This year, no one really knows what exactly to expect, but here's a bit of speculation on my behalf.
Friday, May 27, 2011
L.A. Noire Review
Catalyst11:03 PMGaming, L.A. Noire, MotionScan, Playstation, Review, Rockstar Games, Sony, Video Games
No comments
L.A. Noire takes place in 1947, a time known for its music, clothing, and above all else, crime. In L.A. Noire, you play as Cole Phelps, an army veteran returning to the United States to settle down and find a new profession. Little does Cole know that when he decides that the life of an officer in Los Angeles is fit for him, the decision he makes will introduce all kinds of trouble from runaway husbands to being shot at on a daily basis. Cole takes this all in stride, however, relying on his heightened instinct from his experiences in war, which are shown as flashbacks periodically throughout the game. Overall, L.A. Noire is an intense adventure where you play the role of a detective going from Traffic to Arson, and everywhere in between, with twists and turns and where each choice introduces different reactions.
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The lead character, Cole Phelps, as a patrol officer. |
Welcome to the Blog!
I'm glad to finally start this project. I've thought about doing reviews for games for quite some time, but have never gotten around to it. I actually wrote my first review for L.A. Noire for a friend, and thoroughly enjoyed writing it. I decided that it can be a great experience for me, and I will be able to provide my friends and followers with current gaming information and news.
*I play all of my games on Playstation 3. I do own a Nintendo 3DS, but do not play it very often. Therefore, most of the information I post will be focused on the Playstation 3, or Sony news in general. Each review that I do, unless otherwise specified, will be for the Playstation 3 version of the game.
That aside, I hope you enjoy following my blog as I provide gaming news, reviews, and previews (and the occasional editorial or interesting gaming happenings.)
*I play all of my games on Playstation 3. I do own a Nintendo 3DS, but do not play it very often. Therefore, most of the information I post will be focused on the Playstation 3, or Sony news in general. Each review that I do, unless otherwise specified, will be for the Playstation 3 version of the game.
That aside, I hope you enjoy following my blog as I provide gaming news, reviews, and previews (and the occasional editorial or interesting gaming happenings.)